Archives: Pro Ecclesia Conference 2019

What’s the Good of Humanity?

Explorations and Articulations of Christian Wisdom

June 3-5
Loyola University Baltimore

From a Christian perspective it could well be said that humanity, a good gift of God, is being undermined by the technology and thought-patterns and practices of contemporary Western culture. In response to what is seen as an attack, many books have been written (and conferences held) on the harm of these technologically-driven practices. These articles and books focus on what is wrong (with euthanasia, with surrogate motherhood, with the denial of the male-female difference, and so forth).

Yet to make a compelling cultural witness, it is more important for Christians to know what is right, and essential that they be able to articulate the positive. Why do babies matter? What is the goodness embedded in being made male and female? How can one approach death in a godly manner? We need, in other words, to be able to give an account of God’s “Yes” (2 Cor. 1:20), the hope that is within us (1 Pet. 3:15).


Patrick Lee, The Soul in Scripture and Christian Tradition

Nancey Murphy, What is the relationship of the brain, consciousness, and Christian faith?

Edith Mary Humphrey, Male and Female, the Image of God, and the Significance of Children

Phillip Cary, Chastity and the Wealth of Life: On Being Male and Female

Gilbert Meilaender, On Dying

Donna Freitas, Practicing Christianity in the Age of Facebook & Smartphones

Panel Discussion

Banquet Address by Paul Hinlicky